Ric Payne is a preeminent business advisor. As an avid reader he created a must read list: at the top is Steven Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Through a series of blog posts I will demonstrate the practical applications of the lessons taught in the book.
“The Seven Habits are habits of effectiveness…they become the basis of a person’s character from which an individual can effectively solve problems, maximize opportunities, and continually learn and integrate other principles in an upward spiral of growth.”
(Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly effective People; pg 52)
Covey promises if we learn these habits, live them, and make them part of how we do business, we will utilise our newly acquired skills and knowledge to solve business problems and maximise opportunities.
We are challenged, as a part of our learning of the habits, to question our paradigm – the way we interpret our experiences and the actions of others.
If you want to see how a change in paradigm can impact your business, follow the link below and join 28 million other viewers of Simon Sinek’s TED talk. After you watch it return to this blog and read how I adapt the lesson to a business more relevant to you than those discussed in the video.
Sinek argues the goal is not to do business with everyone needing what you have; the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.
This principle applies to all businesses, not just Apple.
A plumbing firm previously promoting the installation of new bathrooms, drain cleaning and general maintenance attracted a mixed bag of customers.
A change in focus from what they do to why they do it resulted in a new promotional approach: “We believe the provision of workmanship of the highest quality, combined with outstanding customer service will build lasting relationships with customers that will be of mutual benefit to the customer and our business. We specialise in clearing blocked drains….”
This is a great example of what Covey means when he talks about a Paradigm shift. I encourage you to start thinking differently about your business.